About Me
Hey there!! I’m Pawan Khatri, a 27 year old law graduate from Hidayatullah National Law University, India.

I graduated three years ago and started working as a corporate lawyer. I had imagined that this job will play the role of set career path for my future. But fate had other plans, the freelance gigs I started as a side hustle back in law school were still on and mostly sparked more interest than practicing corporate law. 

I constantly found myself willing to travel more but not being able to do so because of my full time job. The freelancing gigs grew to an extent that it made sense to be a full time freelancer. And slowly, that freelancer transitioned into a digital nomad who was constantly exploring new places and adventures while managing work. 

On this website, I intend to share my experiences and learnings as a travel blogger and digital nomad. I hope my content can help you travel more for less.